A Sweet Story

Together forever, here's our story.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Musings of a New Mother

Labor was induced 11/01/11 at 9pm and Boston Oliver Sweet born 11/02/11 at 11:04 am, weighed 8 lbs 6 oz and measured 20 inches! The first thing I said when they handed me the baby was, he's beautiful, he's perfect and I teared up. What an amazing miracle and blessing to be able to bring life into this world. I cannot believe how time has gone by and little Bos is already 1 month old. In the past month I have learned a lot, here are a few of my thoughts: 1. If you want to get anything done as a mom you have to work at hyper speeds. Yesterday I managed to paint 8 nails before the baby started crying, I still haven't finished. 2. Nose aspirators are junk if your baby has a stuffy nose use the Nosefrida, snot sucker. Adam does this because it grosses me out but it's very effective and Boston can breath much better afterward. 3. Temporal artery thermometers give crazyreadings. 4. Sleepless nights are all worth it when your baby looks into your eyes. As you can tell these first few weeks have been quite adventurous.
Monday night I decided it was all about attitude. I'd been extremely grumpy due to illness and lack of sleep, I decided to ditch the bad attitude and call on the Lord for help to endure sleepless nights patiently. It's still hard but I can tell it's getting better. I am grateful to have God in my life to help me become the mother I need to be for Boston.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Coming Soon to a Hospital Near You: Baby Sweet

Baby Sweet's due date has come and gone and he's burning in the oven. We met with the doctor yesterday and she has decided the best course of action is to induce tonight so that I don't go past 41 weeks and we are both healthy. Unless labor begins in the next few hours we will go to the hospital at 7:30 tonight to begin labor. The doctor says the baby will be here within 24 hours of induction. Sometime tomorrow Wednesday November 2, 2011 Adam and I will have a new baby boy. I can hardly believe it has been 9 months, the time flew by. We haven't decided on a first name yet because we want to meet him first. My mom flew in last week and has been a big help around the house. I'm very excited for her to be a grandmother although she doesn't like the idea of being called grandmother she asked to be called Jill. I said that wouldn't cut it and we settled on Old Woman or Owo for short. I warned her the little boy would come up with his own name so it'll be fun to see what he does call her. That's all until the baby's born! We'll post pictures soon.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Baby Sign Language

Expecting baby sweet any day now brings excitement and anxiety. It seems that everything I do relates to bringing a new baby into the world. Something that's always been at the back of my mind as one of those "I'd like to do that" projects is baby sign language. I did a quick google search t and found this awesome website: http://www.babysignlanguage.com/ . It's design is very simple and easy to follow. Here's one more reason I'm excited to welcome Baby Sweet into the world we can learn to communicate in a new and exciting way.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Christmas Surprise

Adam and I flew home to Virginia for New Year's to spend time with my family and so he could meet my extended family. A few days before we left Adam left me a message and told me he had a big surprise for me. I got home from work and he pulled up the computer to show me he'd set up our flight for an in cabin pet. He arranged everything to bring my dog, Bijou out to Utah. I'd been talking a lot about getting a dog and he had been scheming. He arranged everything! So now we have Bijou, our lovely 4 year old pit bull (perhaps with a little mastiff) living with us. Adam didn't grow up with dogs but he's quickly acclimated and loves playing with her.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Plans, Plans.. and more Plans.

Today my friend Krista Preece is practicing my up-do for the wedding. Adam and I designed our invitations last night with the help of his mother. We are going to pick them up at Costco later today! So be on the look out for your invitation within the next week. The big day is only 28 days away!! We have been frantic with wedding planning, finding a house and it's been a strain on our relationship. Thanks to Adam's wonderful family we're pulling through and it's going to be a fun event on the 20th. We are so excited to be together and to be sealed in the Bountiful temple.